Tuesday, June 28, 2016

County Fair in Del Mar, CA

 We took the boys to the fair this past weekend.  Had a great time!  Perfect weather!

Here is Teo in the hat, black shirt, and orange shorts with a newly made friend.
 Coming down the slide!
 That was fun!
 Troy and Teo - too cool for school.

 Already spotted the next ride!
Am I tall enough Dad?

 Teo on the bumper cars.

A random fair-goer preparing for a bungee jump.

 There were almost no animals there this year.  I would say 90-95% of the stalls were empty!

A surprising bonus as we were about to leave.
The traffic lights had went out in Del Mar so traffic was horrendous!  We sat stationary in the parking lot for over 30 minutes and didn't hit the freeway for about an hour.  Just before we reached the freeway, we did get a few scenic views.  We love San Diego.

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