Saturday, May 14, 2016

NYC 2016: 911 Museum

 We wrapped up our trip to New York City with a trip to the 9/11 Museum.  We bought tickets in advance, but from the size of the line it looks like it didn't matter on that particular Monday - we could have bought tix when we arrived.
 I had always thought that creating the tower footprints and the museum were a little over the top - that the day should be remembered quietly without fanfare.  But I have to tell you, I have completely changed my mind having been there.  I completely understand why it had to be built, how NYC needs this spot.  I'm totally on board.  Upon entering the building, we were a bit hungry so we stopped for a small bite at the cafeteria.  This is the view from the cafeteria.
 Refreshed and ready, we started our way through the museum.  This is the first display.
 This is the slurry wall from the original WTC towers.  It held (still holds) the river water from encroaching.
 A beam from the WTC towers - very famous to any of us who watched the events unfold in the days and weeks after 9/11/2001.
 Now let's head down into the heart of the museum.
 It is a very somber place which shows on the face of my windblown wife (we had just left the very windy Statue of Liberty).  The squares on the ground in the background?  These are the remnants of the steel beams that encircled each WTC tower.  Which means the area just to the left of those is inside the footprint of the original WTC towers.  Which means the waterfall/pools on the surface are right above that area.
 This was was extremely beautiful.  I hope I was able to capture it properly in these photos.  They asked artists to select the shade of color they think of when pondering 9/11.  Each artist created a different shade.  No two squares are exactly the same color.

 A close-up of one of the steel beams that encircled the original WTC towers.

 This explains what the prior photos shows.
 An elevator pulley from the WTC towers.

 They continually add 9/11 articles to the vast repository of information about that day.  This shows a graphic of that repository.
 A uniform worn by a Navy Seal on the day Bin Ladin was found.
 a brick from the building where Bin Ladin was hiding.

There were large areas of the museum where no photography was allowed, like the rooms to the left in this photo.  Therefore, I have no photos of those areas.  Suffice it to say they honor each individual 9/11 victim appropriately and fully.  Very nicely done.

I have to say I felt more American than I ever have in my life while in that museum.  While the event was horrific and should never have happened, it did succeed in making us all bond and work in unison and forget about the artificial divides we create in day to day living.  There was no Democrat, Republican, Black, White, Gay, Straight, Rich, Poor.  We were Americans standing together.
 Looking back out at the WTC footprints.
 Compare this photo to the similar picture before we toured the museum.  A much more somber mood is on her face.  I don't think one can tour that museum and not come away affected.

And not just Americans are affected.  I would say half of the visitors (if not more) while we were there were foreign visitors.  It really brought the world together.  And still does.
 Leaving the area, we caught a glimpse on an unusual structure.
 It is under construction. Opening soon.
 From the signage out front, it apparently will be the World Trade Center Transportation building.  Whatever that means.

The next morning, we boarded our flight and headed home.  Vacation was over.

We love New York City.

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