Friday, January 1, 2016

Adderbury, UK - Google Street View

 I was Googling the British actor Ronnie Barker and found out he died in Adderbury, UK.  So...I decided to make Adderbury my next wild Google chase!  I plunked my cursor down in Adderbury on the road right in front of this gorgeous church!  By US standards, it looks very Halloween-y.
 Another shot of the same church.
 Just up the road is this building with a thatched roof.  In the states it almost seems like thatched roof buildings are fables, but they actually exist!
 Back-tracking and going the other direction from the church I found this home - with the church in the background.
 A little further down, this field.
 Another homestead.

 I think this is the entrance to the "Back-tracking" house - not sure how it became out of sequence.
 I found this humorous....the Churchesfire truck outside of a church.  Let's hope he is there for preventive reasons.
 A little pub!  These are all over the UK just as us Americans imagine.  But I've heard their numbers are dwindling, and that's a shame.  Their names are exquisite!
And finally, out to a main road of some sort.  I wish I had more time to explore more of Adderbury, but it was not to be on this lovely day.

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