Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Disneyland - It's a Small World

 The boys had been to Disneyland twice before, but  both times Small World was closed.  So this was their first opportunity to ride it.  They usually close it right after Halloween to decorate it for the Holidays, and since that is when we go to Disneyland we always miss it.  For some reason they finished decorating early this year, so we were able to ride it!
 The line was pretty short so I had to work quickly to get photos out front.  David and Teo.
 David looking like a giant.
 My wife with Lucy just behind her.

 Let's go!  Troy and Lucy sat in front of me.
 Rounding the bend.
 almost there!

 Make sure and watch the videos below and they are great.  I must say the holiday decorations are superb.

 Teo was mesmerized.

So was Troy.

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