Sunday, October 18, 2015

Troy and Teo Birthday Party

 Teo and Troy had a wonderful birthday party this year!  Teo turned 4, and Troy turned 6.  Their birthdays are about a month apart, so they do a combined celebration about halfway between them.
 As has become tradition, there was a jumpy castle at the party.

 Teo was really happy!
 It was a pretty warm day, so the jumpy castle wore him out.
 Some play time before the festivities.

 Time for the pinatas!
 First Teo taking a swing at the star pinata.
 Now it's time for the Batman pinata.

 My beautiful wife.
 The cake!
 I'm posting a few more photos here than I normally do,  but the smiles in these photos convinced me to post them all.

 You know it's a good party when the kitten is so worn out she can sleep through the noise.
 The next day, we took the boys to Toys R Us to let them pick out their own toys from us.

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