Saturday, October 17, 2015

Troy and Teo Birthday Celebration at Chuck's Place

 As a part of the boy's birthday celebration, we took them to Chuck E Cheese.  It's becoming something of a tradition.  The boy's birthdays are about a month apart, so we pick a weekend in between and head to Chuck's place. Teo is turning 4 and Troy is turning 6.
 Teo enjoying his pizza.  I like the way the pizza is perfectly still, but his head is in motion.

 Troy enjoying his pizza.

 I'm actually getting kinda hungry now.
 Teo sees Chuck E Cheese walking through.
 Onto his dad's lap!  He enjoys watching the mouse from afar, but does not want to approach him at all.
Enjoying watching Chuck.
I tried to get a portrait of Lucy and the boys, but I couldn't get Teo to be still.  So here is a portrait of Troy and Lucy.

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