Sunday, August 30, 2015

Vacation 2015 - Rounding Out The Trip

 We went to the Mosby winery.  The wines were Italian style and nice to drink, though the tasting room was in need of an update.  We heard another customer talk about the fabulous restroom so we decided to take the opportunity to check them out.   We were not disappointed.
 The lights were straight outta a club!
 The ceiling...
 We ended up with a little extra time so we went to LaFond.  We really liked their wine too.
 We also had dinner at Hitching Post one evening.  If you're a fan of the movie "Sideways", ya gotta do that!

Well, that about wraps up our trip folks.  We had fun.  Hope the photos give you a few ideas for a trip of your own.  This is a fun region to visit.

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