Sunday, August 30, 2015

Our Anniversary

 We spent our anniversary this year at the Hotel Del Coronado.  As luck would have it, they randomly assigned us to room 3333 on our 33rd anniversary.  How strange is that?  It was a sure sign it was going to be a great night.
 We dropped our luggage off at the room and went downstairs for a drink.
 This is the view from our seat in the lounge.

 About a half hour later, these gentlemen arrived.  After watching many photos being taken and studying the poster they laid by the table, we figured out that the black gentleman is Blake Leeper, the famous Paralympic athlete born without feet.  That is one of his artificial feet that the man is holding at the table.
 Disney is making a movie (or a special I can't tell which) about him called American Blade Runner.  The poster about it is partially visible in front of the table.
 We then stepped outside for a breath of the ocean air.

 It was a gorgeous afternoon.

 Looking back at the Hotel Del Coronado.
 Time for our reservations at Sheerwater Restaurant, between the Hotel Del and the beach.
 She had the Filet Minon, I had the surf-n-turf (Filet Minon and Lobster).  Excellent!
 We didn't know it until we were in the lounge, but there is now a Laugh Factory in the Hotel Del.  We bought front row seats.
 Tonight's comedians:  Paul Rodriguez and Quinn Dahle.

 So what did our room in the Victorian building look like?

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