Sunday, November 9, 2014

San Marcos Fire Station

 For the second year in a row, we made it to the San Marcos Fire Department Open House.  Last year when I discovered that we had a Command Center vehicle, I questioned why on earth a city like San Marcos needed one.  This year, just a few months after the Cocos Fire, I no longer question it.

 Some photos of the Cocos Fire that took the city by storm in May 2014.

 Teaching kids how to escape a house fire.

 Troy pointing at a plane and asking what it was doing.  From a kid's perspective I can see how it would look like it was dumping fire.  I explained it was fire retardant.

 The fire stations of San Marcos.

 The boys loved coloring last year, so we made time for the coloring table again this year.

 Unfortunately they sat facing the open door and the outdoor activities proved too interesting for them to pay attention to coloring.  So onward we went.

 Teo loved this.  He comments on his hands on the edge of the cutout every time.

 A historic San Marcos fire truck in need of restoration.

 A classic photo!!!
 I had to explain these weren't Ghostbuster proton packs.
 The firemen all chuckled when they saw Troy walking around in his Fire Chief overcoat.  He had insisted on wearing it!

 The back of a patrol car.

 Lunchtime!  We were all a little toasty by this point, but those burger cooked by real firemen were very tasty.

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