Monday, November 24, 2014

Maserati 100: Sunset Strip

 Once we wrapped up with the auto show, we headed to Sunset Strip for dinner and a show.  Here is my lovely wife enjoying dinner with me.
 As we walked to the show, we passed several picturesque spots.
 I try to take a photo of this every time we're on Sunset Blvd, but mess it up every time.  Oh well, you get to see the blurry version.
 A shop closed for the evening along the way.  I always see the most interesting things on Sunset.  As we ate dinner, a new Rolls Royce Phantom (they start at $450K) pulls up to the shops directly across the street, into the alley between two shops.  A woman gets out of the right side rear door, in a long fur coat, hat, and a slight stoop that only comes with significant age.  She glances at me from across the street and hurries down the sidewalk to a shop.  The Rolls pulls into the parking behind the shops and waits.  Who is she?  Where did she get her obviously significant money?  Where does she live?  My imagination runs wild.
We went to the Comedy Store and saw like 10 comedians in 3 hours.  We had wanted to compare it to what was available at our own La Jolla Comedy store.  Well, the comedians in Hollywood were really not funny.  Maybe they were off their game - my son said comedians really feed off the audience and the audience was only half full that night.  And the same comedians come to La Jolla.  I don't know, maybe being out of town in a packed room (it's always packed on Sat in LJ) really gets their funny vibe in gear. But between the two, it is my opinion than LJ is waaaay better.  At least from what I've seen.

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