Sunday, November 9, 2014

Disneyland 2014 - The Parade

 At 7 PM the Main Street parade started, so we staked out our place on the curb a little after 6.  We all needed to sit down anyway, so it was good timing.   We sat near the park which was good and bad:  it is more spacious there so people were not as crowded, but the spotlights also interfered with photography.
 This is a marching band from Utah (I believe) that started before 7...I think at 6:45.

 Teo taking a well-deserved break.
 Leaning in to see what is coming up next.

 This is what we could see of the castle while we sat on the curb.
 Teo noticed I was pointing the camera at the castle...LOOK!  There's a castle!
 Troy borrowing his father's hat for a happy moment.  That is one happy kid!

 The "Frozen" float.

 Balloons!  My wife bought the kids each $14 a pop.

 We had them hold the balloons low during the parade so the folks behind us could see.
 Here comes Mickey's float!

 Those are some mesmerized eyes.  What a full day.

 This is my last photo of the parade.  After this, I took the videos posted below.
 Since it was election day, the park was extraordinarily empty and we didn't even have to wait to get aboard the tram at closing.  Teo was sooo tired he would forget to look where he was walking and would run into people.
 At one point he came so engrossed in watching a fountain that he would have run full speed into a building if we would have grabbed him!
 But through it all both he and Troy were golden boys.  No cranky-ness, no complaining nothing.
 They would march on until their eyes closed if we let them.  They are such great little boys.  Excuse me:  big boys now.
Dave in a reflective moment.

We are all tired.

It is time to go home.

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