Sunday, November 9, 2014

Disneyland 2014 - New Orleans Square and Critter Country

 We rode Pirates of the Caribbean, one of my favorite rides and a favorite of the boys right now too.  It was just the right amount of scary!  Here is the line waiting to hop aboard.
 November is a great time to go to the Haunted Mansion as it is decorated inside and out with Halloween and Christmas is quite the sight and I would encourage you to see it Oct-Dec!
 A hillside outside the Haunted Mansion.

 This is the first time we've ever been on the Winnie the Pooh ride, and we all enjoyed it very much.  It was in Troy and Teo's top 2 rides of the day!

Winnie himself.  The lines were long for each character, so we didn't wait and zipped right along to our next destination.

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