Sunday, November 9, 2014

Disneyland 2014 - Fantasyland

 Since the boys are still young, we ended up spending a lot of time in Fantasyland.  They rode the teacups, but I totally missed getting any photos!
 Not sure why.
 From there we did Mr. Toad's Wild Ride - a perennial favorite.

 Teo and Troy posing for their father.

Teo spotted Dumbo and said he wanted to ride that next.
 Troy said he didn't.

 So only Dave and Teo got in line for Dumbo.  It was a fairly long line.  Here they are standing in the shade.
 The ride spins so fast that getting photos of them was difficult.  This and the next one are the best shots I took.

 The teacups.
 I was going to get shots of them riding in the stroller but when I took this Teo was in mid-sentence of saying "No Pictures!"

I think he feels that riding in a stroller makes him look younger - which he doesn't want to look.
 Here is where we had lunch (coming in a few photos).  When we walked inside I turned around and Teo was waving at something on the roof.  After lunch I went out and looked - he was waving at Olaf!

 Troy is usually just a mediocre eater for us.  But at lunch, this boy chowed down!   He kept up with me bite for bite.  Hungry boy!
 My wife pausing between bites so I don't catch her with food in her mouth.
 The dining hall.
What a lovely SoCal day.

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