Thursday, August 14, 2014

Wedding Weekend: The Wedding Location

 Since I was officiating, I did not get the opportunity to take any photos of the actual ceremony.  But someone in attendance took this photo - I haven't figured out who yet.  Thank you!

We'll have to wait for the photographer to release what she took to see much more of the actual ceremony.
 Right after the ceremony, I was able to take a few shots.  Here is one from the parking lot looking back at the seating area.
 My wife and her mother Clara.
 Lucy, Troy, Claire, Avery, and Teo.

 Lucy and David took the boys to the river's edge for a few photos afterwards.  You can't really see it, but we are standing in someone's camping spot.  They were very patient with us!
 The boys were perfect through the entire ceremony - they were the ring bearers - and even stood with us up front the entire time.  But by now they were a little worn out.  You can see their patience is wearing thin by the expression on their faces.
 I wanted to get it one shot of the whole family, but Teo's patience had ended.
Nothing I said changed that...but that's the beauty of these shots...they are real life!  The great, the beautiful, and the human condition.  Thank you Troy, Teo, Lucy, and David for some beautiful photos!

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