Thursday, August 14, 2014

Wedding Weekend: Hotel Diamond

 As did several wedding attendees, we stayed at the Hotel Diamond the weekend of Ron & Mary's wedding.  The Hotel Diamond originally opened here in 1904.  Over the decades the building had many uses but was completely redone in modern times in a very upscale way.  We highly recommend this hotel.
 A view out front from the lobby lounge.
 The ceiling.
 Yes, we must be in Chico!  Hometown company advertised on the trucks!
 There is an alley that runs beside the hotel.  The national yo-yo museum is located in this alley.  Troy and Teo loved them, so we bought them both a just so happens that Chicoan Gentry Stein won the worldwide yo-yoing championship that same weekend in Prague.
 Walking out to my rental car one morning, who should I run into but Dave, Teo and Troy!
 Breakfasts at Johnny's downstairs were almost completely paid for through the room purchases.  Here are Lucy and Teo one morning - Teo completely ready for breakfast!  Look at him beam!
 You just never know what configuration the kids will be in when I press the button.
 On Sunday morning, we finished signing the marriage paperwork before we ate breakfast.
 Troy and Claire saying goodbye.
 Our good friends John & Mary.
 Kirt Lind.
 Teo enjoying his yo-yo with his mother.
 My wife.
 We discovered that Teo loves backrubs this weekend.  His first was Thursday night at the Tres Hombres restaurant.  Here on Sunday morning he gets his second!

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