Monday, September 2, 2013

Big Sur, California

 We spent a few days in Big Sur this summer - it's one scenic California location we hadn't been before.
 We booked a suite at the Big River Inn.  Our room was the top left.
 A look at our front door.
 Turning around, here is the view from our balcony.
 A nice grass area bordering a meandering stream.
 Fellow lodgers enjoying the afternoon.
 We grabbed two chairs on the lawn area.  No cell phone reception, but they hotel does offer free wifi.
 Enjoying the afternoon.
 Deep in thought.
 Stacking stones.
 More browsing.

 Since it was Car Week in Carmel, there was plenty of expensive iron passing through (that's Highway 1 in the background) and stopping for some r&r.
 What's that across the street?
 A pair of mid 1930s Mercedes-Benz, perhaps the 290K and 500K that were in the Concours d'Elegance show the following Sunday.
 An evening at the Big River Inn Restaurant.

 My wife, in our room.
 Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park

We spent one morning at the Pfieffer State Park. 
 It too had a stream meandering through it.
 While there were some redwoods in the park, other trees were more common.
 The road leading to the campground.
 Studying the map.
 Hmmm.  What shall we do today?

 Thanks to the map, we found the biggest and oldest redwood in the park - the Colonial Tree.
 We parked our rod to do a bit of hiking.
 Another view of the stream.

 Walking along the stream.

 Okay, let's try some selfies.

 We loved this spot where the path crosses the steam.

 A state park cabin.

 The largest grove of redwoods in the park.

 That cabin we were looking at from across the stream earlier.

 We also drove down along the coast a bit.  Here is a knoll overlooking the ocean.  Private land apparently.

 Want to see what a suite looks like at the Big River Inn?  Here is the living room.  The couch is actually a bed that has a pullout underneath for extra people.
 A view down the hall from the living room.  That's a bedroom at the back.  Unfortunately, we were there during a very hot spell and the suite did not have A/C.  Therefore, we had to leave the windows open.  Since the bedroom backs up to Highway 1 and the only ceiling fan is in the living room, we chose to sleep in the living room.
 A view of the other side of the living room.
The morning we checked out, we got up and saw these cars in front of the smaller units across the highway - two Rolls-Royces and two Ferraris had spent the night!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you guys had never been to Big Sur before? I have always loved that place. We did some camping in the Ventana area when I was back at Singer Link. That place is so gorgeous, but of course now you know that! :D
