Sunday, September 1, 2013

Camera Comparison: Canon SX20 IS vs Samsung Galaxy S4

 Cell phone cameras are getting so good that, under some conditions, they rival normal cameras.  Since we've been impressed with the photos from our Samsung Galaxy S4, I thought it would be fun to compare with our normal camera, a Canon SX20 IS.  This is a photo with the Canon...
 An equivalent shot with the Samsung...
 With the Canon...
 With the Samsung...
 With the Samsung again...
 With the Canon...
 With the Samsung... can usually tell the difference just by image shape, as the Samsung takes wider shots.  That is not a foolproof way to tell as in my other posts I sometimes crop Canon photos to be wider.

One final note:  both the Canon and Samsung photos have been through Photoshop for improvement - neither version is straight off the device.  Since I normally enhance all photos I post, I think that is the fairest way to compare them for my purposes.

Also to be fair, there are still situations where the Samsung clearly can't keep up since as in low light.  But for most normal day-to-day needs, it is a fine substitute for the Canon.  Especially when I don't feel like lugging the Canon around all day.

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