Sunday, September 1, 2013

2013 Concours d'Elegance: Arrival

We made our third trip to Cd'E this year!  We're getting better at planning, as we made it to the gate by the time it opened (10:30) this year.  Here is where we parked, just a couple hundred feet from the ocean at Pebble Beach.  We rented a white Camaro for the trip this year - I hated to turn that car back in after the trip.
As I've said before, there are better cars in the parking lot at Cd'E (driven by attendees) than there are in the show at most car shows!  One example...
After taking a shuttle bus ride (10 minutes or so), we approached the main gate.  Before entering, we run the gauntlet of auto business displays.  But oh what a gauntlet.

A clubhouse at Pebble Beach.
There is also a circular display of show cars before entering the main gate.  A few of my favorites from that display...
Oh Alfa, you're so unique.  Please come back to the US.  Please.

Probably the best angle on that particular car.
We will be in the market for a 4-door car soon as we don't have one.  And Maserati is just about to introduce a lower-priced sedan to compete with the BMW 5 series, Audi A6, and Jaguar XF.  Is that a coincidence, or match make in heaven??
A gorgeous angle on the new model from Maserati - the Ghibli.
A Maserati employee from Italy showing us the trunkroom.  I don't think he had expected anyone to ask, and when he opened it up it was full of their prep materials.  Not a problem, it gives us an idea.  Look at those trunk hinges!  That's attention to detail.
Making a point to another perspective customer.  I believe he was saying it will come with a 4 year warranty (or was it 5?) and that all maintenance could be covered for something like a $1600 option.  Don't quote me on that, the car hasn't been introduced yet and those things could change.  Or I could have remembered it wrong.
Demonstrating the interior room.  We are typically not a fan of brown/tan, but that cinnamon color with the black exterior was very sharp.  I think my wife would have bought it if they offered.
Loved this Aston Martin concept car!
Just beautiful.  Look at those lines!
Stunning front end too.
Another angle on the Ghibli.  I had trouble capturing it well at this angle, but let me state that this car looks MUCH better in person than in pics - and it looks pretty darn good in pics too!  See the second guy from the left?  He was an Italian Maserati employee too - told us that there are only 4 Ghiblis in the US right now and they are all prototypes.  Actual for-sale cars won't arrive until fall 2013.
I just wished Laurel and Hardy wouldn't have been in the center of the circle - this is one of the best angles on the Ghibli.  Just imagine the ladder wasn't there and take a look.
Our son had requested we take a look at the Cadillac display to see the Elmiraj concept that was making its debut.  And here it is...pretty sharp!
Back end a little plain, but a very nice design.
Long, low, sleek and svelte.
Nice interior.  Not much on the oodles of wood on the seat backs, but the thin strips on the dash are very nice.

See the man in the gray suit, second from left?  That is Clay Dean, Global Design Director for GM Advanced Design Group.

Cadillac is changing their emblem by removing the wreath.  I like it better.
An angle with my wife in the background.  Nice!
Ready to enter the show?  Let's go!  The photo below is just inside the front gate.  Note it was taken later in the day - not all those people were there when the gates opened at 10:30.

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