Tuesday, July 16, 2013

WorldFest 2013

 We attended WorldFest in Grass Valley this month.  What a fantastic weekend!

 We arrived on Friday and went to downtown Grass Valley for a glass of wine...
 ...followed by dinner.
 When we made it through the gates at WorldFest Friday evening, we went to the main stage, preparing for Friday's main event - Bruce Hornsby.
 Friends volunteered to take our photo.
 Bruce Hornsby and the Noisemakers on stage.  Sorry the pic isn't better - my cell phone struggles in low light.
 We went back on Saturday, arriving about 11 AM.  Let's show you around the festival a bit.  There are over 50 booths there selling food, clothes, art, massages.  Almost anything you'd need for a great day.
 There are seven stages.  This is the Sierra stage.
 This is the Meadow Stage, which is the largest stage and is used for the evening performances.
 Downtown WorldFest.
 WorldFest is held at the fairgrounds - here is the fantastic statue at the entrance.
 It is a very peaceful setting amongst the pine trees.
 Jeffrey Broussard and the Creole Cowboys

 My beautiful wife.
 Our son Ron, who manages the lighting and sound for the entire festival.  No wonder he looks tired.
 A look towards the American Indian booths and the campground.  Sorry for the title covering part of the photo.  Some idiot (me) put his finger in front of the lens when taking the photo - that label covers up my finger.
 Preparing for the evening performances at the Meadow Stage.

 Badi Assad.
 Alasdair Fraser.
 Rita Hosking and Cousin Jack

 Pink Martini

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