Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Birch Aquarium: The Photos

 We made a trip to the Birch Aquarium in March - Troy's first visit.  It is in La Jolla, just above the Scripps Pier.
 Lucy and Mateo were in Mexico visiting her ill mother, or they would have joined us.  In fact, we had planned on the six of us going to the Zoo on this day, but she ended up flying out and the weather was chilly so we went to the Aquarium instead.

 Here we are waiting for the show to begin in the largest tank.  A diver was about to enter the tank, clean the glass, and feed the fixh.

 There's the diver!
 Un da da sea!!! Life's so much betta when you are wetta take it from meeeee!
 The Scripps Pier.
 My beautiful wife.

 A beachfront villa.
 We are all hungry by the time we left so we stopped just outside for a hot dog.  Here is Troy waiting patiently for his dog.
 All done, he ventures out.

He is a very social creature!

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