Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bates Nut Farm in October

 In October we went to the Bates Nut Farm to get Troy a pumpkin.  Lucy didn't go because we did a lousy job of explaining it to her - next year we'll do a better job so she'll join us!
 David, Troy, and my wife.
 BNF is located on acreage outside of Valley Center.  In October, San Diegans flock to the place en masse.
 The owners (Bates?) apparently live on the property. I hope they don't build a hotel here cuz the Bates Hotel may not be that popular...
 They have a country store also.
 David and Troy.

 What Troy really wanted was a cart ride, so we got in line.

 I'm not sure how he did it with all the orange fencing, but somehow he spoted two horses beside a trailer, and off he went.
 Pointing out those horses...

 Here is what he was pointing at.

 Will someone turn down that sun a bit, please?

 Time to pick out a pumpkin!
 At first he's not quite sure what to do.

 Then he gets the hang of it.
 A lil problem in the punkin patch.

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