Sunday, August 7, 2011

Liverpool: Cavern Pub

 Across the street from the Cavern Club is the Cavern Pub. It was also a part of the Pop Music Festival. Let's take a peek inside...

 Like the Cavern Club, they had a wide array of merchandise for sale, just to the left of the stage.

 And display cases with famous memorabilia.

 A well-stocked bar. As with Cavern Club, about half the people in the bar were related in some manner to the band(s) playing. I'm sure that ratio changes on weekends when more people are out.

 And finally it was time to return to the hotel. Here is a police car heading down Mathew Street.
 A statue of John Lennon on Mathew Street. I expected there to be a lot of Beatles cheese around and had heard about this statue. But in reality, it wasn't really overbearing and was probably a fitting tribute to him...though I don't think he sported this haircut until he was leaving Liverpool, right before the Ed Sullivan Show appearance.

 What Old Hall Street feels like late at night. We never felt unsafe, and it was very peaceful and quiet.

The lobby of the Radission Blu. This was our first stop on our trip from our home. We had just flown across the US, across the Atlantic, taken a 2 hour train ride to Liverpool, rode in a taxi to this hotel. As I picked up my bags from the curb, I looked up at this lobby - it was about 3 PM in the afternoon. A little boy of about 7 had his arm stuck in the spinning doors. He was screaming bloody murder, his parents were in a panic in fear I was going to touch the door, and the staff all looked like ghosts. I tried to see if there was a way to help, but there wasn't. We checked in to the sounds of a wailing boy echoing in the lobby as the staff looked frantically for the fire department rescue they had called. It was a tense five minutes until they arrived, to the boy's wailing "I'll never do it again!!! I promise!!!". We believe you son, we're all just a little freaked out right now. And that is how our trip to Europe started.

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