Sunday, July 17, 2011

London: Westminster Abbey

 We also visited Wesminster Abbey, a place we missed on our last London trip. While prior structures existed earlier, the present day church was started in 1245.

 The line to get in can get quite long, but it moves quickly. I think we got inside after about 20 minutes in line.
 The church's architecture is quite interesting to the eye.

 Here is a photo of the sidewalk where the line forms. I took this photo later in the afternoon after the line had dissipated - usually it runs from the two persons on the right all the way up to the Great North Door, on the left side of the photo.

 While spectacular from the inside, stained glass doesn't look like much from outside.

Big Ben peaking around the Westminster Abbey buildings.

 We're at the front of the line now!

 This little gargoyle type thing rubbing it's rear is interesting.

 A map of Westminster Abbey.

 These inside photos are from Wikipedia, as photos were not allowed inside. The interior seemed quite dark and cool, probably due to all the cement or stonework.

 King Edward's chair.

 Tomb of Henry II. There are many tombs in W.A.

 After touring it for an hour or two, we exited to the outside again. W.A. is well worth visiting if you are interested in history, architecture, royalty or religion. One of those categories should cover darn near anyone. :-)

This is the door through which we exited Westminster Abbey.

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