Saturday, July 16, 2011

Beatles in London: Abbey Road Studios

 And here it is. Abbey Road Studios. This is where the Beatles recorded almost all of their albums from 1962 to 1970. This is Beatles Mecca.

 The name was also used for the title of their 1969 album "Abbey Road". Obviously, this was a place near and dear to their hearts. Located at 3 Abbey Road, the studio is still active today.

 Here is the entrance with the original steps from the 1960s still in place. The building was actually built in the 1830s, so the steps are no doubt existed way before the Beatles.
As you can see, the building was undergoing restoration while we were there.

 Apparently they have given up trying to keep graffiti off the wall out front, so they paint it white every so often and let the tourists have their say.

What is directly across the street from Abbey Road Studios? I'm glad you asked! This is what the Beatles would have viewed as they walked out the door. This building looks the same way it did in the 1960s. The cars are parked on Abbey Road.

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