Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rome: Colosseum Views

 Here is a view from the 3rd level of the Colosseum. The street is Via dei Fori Imperiali, and the Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II can be seen in the distance. It is about a 10-15 minute walk to that monument.
 Looking straight down from the 3rd level, we can see the Colosseum Metro stop and the plaza above it. That is the plaza where we met to begin the Viator tour.
 Another shot of it.
 This photo was taken from the 2nd level, looking toward the Antiquarium Forense, directly at the Temple of Venus and Rome.
 Designed by Hadrian and finished in 135 AD, with two cells: one holding a statue of Venus Felix (Roman ancestor) and one holding a statue of Roma Aeterna (genius of the city). Building of the temple required relocation of the Colossus of Nero, which was moved to be next to the Flavian Amphitheater. As ceturies wore on, people began calling the Flavian Amphitheater by the name "Colosseum" instead (due to the adjacent Colossus of Nero), which is where the Colosseum got its modern day name.
 Our tour guide stated that the columns visible in this shot are a favorite background in photoshoots by Armani with many top models.
 A close-up of the remaining ceiling diamond design, apparently made from concrete.
 Another close-up of the columns. When Hadrian asked Apollodorus, a famous architecture, what he thought of this temple, Appollodorus is reported to have said the statues were too tall for the building, or the building was too short for the statues.
 "For now, if the goddesses wish to get up and go out, they will be unable to do so", said Apollodorus. Hadrian had him banished.

One more shot of the Temple of Venus and Rome, taken from ground level.
 Here is my wife viewing the Arch of Constantine from the Colosseum 2nd Level.
Behind the arch is Palantine Hill.
 See the circular area in front of the arch? That is where the Meta Sudans once still. The Meta Sudans was a 50 foot tall fountain, in the shape of a cone. Water would burble from the top of the fountain, covering the complete cone on its journey to the base. The fountain was destroyed by Mussolini in order to install a traffic circle around the arch. The traffic circle has since been removed, and only the foundation of the Meta Sudans remains today.
 Another view of the arch and Meta Sudans base.

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