Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rome: Vatican Museum - Statues Part 1

 Let's take a look at the statues in the Vatican Museums.

 To my eye, most of the statues were not of as high a quality as is found in the Louvre, but there are a few superb pieces that I will point out. In addition, the Vatican museum buildings were outstanding.

 The ceiling in one of the buildings, very similar to the Pantheon.

 Appears to be a Roman statue to me, but it was unlabeled so I am not sure.

 Having been told over the years that the Christians had chiseled the private parts off of ancient statues, I was very pleased to see on display at the Vatican examples of where this wasn't done.  Thank you Vatican for preserving the artwork as it was intended by the artist!
 This statue, behind a partition for some reason, is very high quality. Wish we could have viewed the legs, too.

 My wife was amazed by this toe. If this is just the toe, how big was the entire statue?

 Extraordinary depth and detail, very nice.

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