Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rome: Our Neighborhood

Let's explore around the neighbor by our hotel a bit...

 At the corner of Via Cavour and Via dei Fori Imperiali, there appeared to be a new park that was about to open. The Italian military vehicles out front were preparing for the 3 June 2011 military parade, but they had a portable building set up in the new park.

 While we were riding a tour bus, this woman on a bicycle came up beside us. It made me very nervous, especially when the light turned green and she began getting squeezed between the bus and a few cars. Not for the faint of heart.

 As stated previously, the Roman Forums were right there - about 2 minutes from our hotel.

 Down one of the side streets off Via Cavour, we sat and had a bottle of wine one evening. This was the view from the bar - about 2 minutes from our hotel.

 Same place.

 About 2 minutes the other direction from our hotel were these stairs looking towards Via dei Fori Imperiali.

 Same place.

 I must've liked the view (same place again).

 Another side street a couple of minutes from the hotel. Look at those vines!

 Turning to look another direction from the above pic.

 The doors on the buildings in Rome fascinated me.

Palazzo delle Esposizioni, near our hotel.

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