Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rome: Hotel Forum Approach

 Our first stop will be the hotel where we stayed, the Hotel Forum seen at the center of this photo. It is located at Via Tor de' Conti, 25-30. I was standing on Via Dei Fori Imperiali when I took this photo.

 The easiest way to get to the hotel is to access it from Via Cavour, a major street one block south of the hotel. Here is my wife walking on Via Tor de' Conti, from Via Cavour towards the hotel. This is the way we usually went to and from the hotel.

 Another shot of the hotel from a slightly different angle. The hotel overlooked the Roman Forum, thus the name.

 When we stepped out the front door of the hotel and looked straight across Via Tor de' Conti, this is the view towards the Forum. Note the white patio cover - it was temporary and was there for an upcoming military parade on June 3.

 The other path for approaching the hotel was from the other direction, starting at Via 4 Novembre and walking along Salita del Grillo which turns into Via Tor de' Conti. Roads in Rome often change names every few blocks.

 This is a particularly beautiful way to approach the hotel, though it is longer and has an uphill/downhill portion.

Other hotels can be found along this approach to the hotel.

 On the right are the ruins from prior city eras, I haven't looked up what this building was.

 Getting closer! Almost to the hotel...

 The Hotel Forum also has a parking garage, though we would not recommend getting a car in Rome. There is no need for it - everything within the Roman walls is walkable. The longest walk we had was from the hotel to the Vatican which took a little over an hour.

 Here is what our hotel looked like at night. Sorry, the camera struggled with the darkness so the shot is a little fuzzy.

The hotel also has a rooftop restaurant which overlooks the Roman Forum. Ready to go into the hotel and see our room?

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