Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rome: The Cars of Rome

Being a car guy, I just have to show you a few of the cars I saw in Rome. We'll start with the "taxi" we took from the Rome airport to our hotel...a very nice Mercedes van just like this one. Actually, another left the airport at the exact same time, and the two drivers dueled each other in traffic all the way through central Rome. It was quite intense.

 We saw it for the first time in London, but also all over Rome hooligans have altered "do not enter" signs to look like a surfer with board. heh.

 Here is a more unusual alteration of a "do not enter" sign...

 And Alfa Romeos! Oh my, the Alfas! They were everywhere and are very gorgeous automobiles!
 They are even used as police cars in Rome.
Another Alfa with trees giving a beautiful hue to the paint.

 We saw a number of Chrysler products in Rome, including this Town & Country. They were all diesels, too.

 One day across the street from the Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II, there was a car display of some sort, all with the same sticker on the doors. I never did figure it out, but took a few photos. Here is a Jag XJ.

 A Jag XF.

 A few Fords.
  With a few more in the second row. I wish I knew why they were there.

A regal looking little Fiat 500.

 Another spectacular Alfa.

 A nice looking little Fiat.

 Luigi! An original Fiat 500 from the 60s. Look how big that Toyota looks in front of it.

 A Peugot. Looks good, but maybe I took the pic because of the Jag in front of it!

 We only saw one car booted the whole time we were in Rome. And this was it...parked on the edge of Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II.

 A nice little Alfa hatchback.
 A diesel Jeep about a block from the Vatican
 Since I've been cherry-picking nice cars for the pics above, I thought I'd show you a random street with random cars. Nothing special in this row of cars, just wanted you to see a typical Rome street.

 I have no idea what this is, but it sure is small!

 A Rolls Royce used to accent the Westin hotel.

 his is an Opel. Just this year, they have been rebadging them and bringing them to the US as Buicks.

 Note the great sunroof.

 Fiat 500.

 Great little Fiat on the edge of Roma Termini.

 Colorful line of cars.

 Another original Fiat 500 I found at night.

 At our favorite little nightcap spot on Via Cavour, we noticed how the double-parking started late on Saturday night.

 The rotund man who owned this gray Alfa checked to see if anyone was looking before he left the scene on foot while he was double parked. As luck would have it, the minivan owner soon appeared and laid heavy on the horn until the Alfa man reappeared.

 The Alfa man let him out, then took his spot.

 Sorta. Not the greatest parking job...
...as you can see from this pic! The Alfa man had returned to his nightspot, thinking this was a perfectly acceptable way to park. Rome!

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