Friday, April 8, 2011

Poncho Sanchez

We went to see Poncho Sanchez with our friends Scott & Jenny a few Fridays ago - what a great night! We went to the late show, and had time for dinner in Little Italy beforehand. Poncho played at Anthology, which in my opinion is the best venue in San Diego. Big yet cozy, excellent seating choices, and a very modern ambiance. People were ready to dance, and for about half an hour the tiny dance floor was packed. Here's a snap of it with just a few couples out there. If you like Latin Jazz at all, you really should go see Poncho Sanchez. We've seen him twice now and have really loved each show. Sorry about the quality of the photos. That's apparently the best my new HTC Evo Shift can do in the low light of a nightclub.

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