Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Drive By Shooting: Camp Pendleton

 And then we hit the great divide between LA/OC and San Diego: it's called Camp Pendleton, and everyone loves it. Long live Camp Pendleton. Going south on I5, the Pacific is on our right, Camp Pendleton is on our left.
 There was also this second generation Scion xB. The first generation looked exactly like a refrigerator to me. This second gen is a little better, but still pretty darn bland.
JB auto style vote: B
 I'm not much of a Toyota fan, and that affects my attitude towards the Prius. But I'll try to set that aside and judge the styling impartially.
JB auto style vote: B
 A very masculine Silverado, complete with 4wd, big tires, and something mounted to the roof. This guy (and I guarantee it's a guy) thinks he's Crocodile Dundee. Back to the styling review.
JB auto style vote: B
 The most famous landmark along the coast in this area: the San Onofre nuclear power plant. Looks like it needs a bra to most of us that pass it by.
Our fast-lane hog for the trip: a Mercedes GL SUV. Planted in the fast lane, unaware (or not caring)  that they were impeding traffic. Go 'round us, suckers. I'm in a $80K behemoth.
JB auto style vote: A-
 A Charger, as viewed from a Charger. Chargers look good in black, especially if it is metallic black.
JB auto style vote: A
 Unfortunately, I missed a photo when we passed this Jeep Grand Cherokee on the driver's side - she had her cell phone glued to her ear. But here she is in another shot. Now in the fast lane. Cell phone still glued to her ear, apparently. Gotta love California.
JB auto style vote: A-
A silver Mercedes E-class with the golden light shining on it's flank. Full of silver hairs.
JB auto style vote: B-
 A little Nissan Versa. A chick car if I ever saw one.
JB auto style vote: C
Not sure what this car is, but thought the couple inside looked picturesque.

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