Saturday, November 27, 2010


 Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, we had a very pleasant day. Including the traditional putting up of the tree. Note Troy attempting to climb the ladder that Ron is using.
 This is the first time Troy saw a ladder in use, and he was very curious. Here, his father David gives him a hand.
 But after awhile, we let Ron finish the job without Troy, who is always hard to photograph since he is in constant movement.
 The cooking continued all day, as the table sat ready and waiting.
 Marcy was on high alert, with the smell of a huge bird wafting through the air.
 And finally, the turkey was ready.
 Here is the fantastic chef, with the prized bird in the background.
 Troy, who also kept a close eye on the kitchen proceedings, with his mother Lucy.
 Troy, ready to dig in. Every time he visits our house he digs through the utensil drawer. Here he is with today's pick.
 Ron, telling an after-dinner joke.  "An engineer, an accountant, and the pope walk into a bar..."
Troy, the first time he witnessesed fire. Thanksgiving day was unusually cold, so we turned on the fireplace for the first time this season. And Troy was in awe.

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