Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hollywood: Sunset Blvd

 Each evening, we ventured out from our hotel to Sunset Blvd, which was half a block north - a very easy walk. Here is Nikki on the sidewalk of San Vicente Blvd, within a yard of our hotel property which is just behind us at this point.
 Whisky A-Go-Go is located at the corner of San Vicente and Sunset, and we considered going in both Friday and Saturday nights. As it was, we found something a lot more fun to do each night so we never made it in.
 These banners were all along Sunset Blvd: "Sunset Strip and Jack Daniels - as Rock and Roll as a backbeat". Funny, until that moment I had never even thought of Rock, let alone Jack, in any way related to Sunset Strip. I would bet not many people in the world do relate those items.
 A very appealing billboard along Sunset. It reminded me of The Cars and their album covers.
 This is a curve in Sunset just as dusk was falling. It looked much better in person than is captured in this photo. One thing that stuck out to us along Sunset was that most of the building were wrapped in advertisements, something we don't see often in San Diego. The tallest building in this photo is wrapped.
 This is the Viper Room owned by Johnny Depp until 2003, also on Sunset. The back of the Viper Room is up against our hotel. This is where River Phoenix died of an overdose on Halloween morning 1993. Christina Applegate was there and witnessed his death. We considered going in here too, but when we passed during the evening there was always Punk Rock eminating - something we've never really liked. An all-black bike with a slick in the back was always at the curb outside the door when we went by.
 We tried several of the restaurants along Sunset, but did not really find anything that stood out. The meals were average. Sorry, we have no recommendations for you - we'll try again next time. This restaurant was mostly empty when we arrived, but within 20 minutes every chair was taken.
 Analyzing the menu at the same restaurant.
Sunset after dark. My camera struggled with the lack of light, thus the blurriness. Sorry I didn't take more photos of the area. We plan on going back and I'll try to take more next time.

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