Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Comic-Con: Friday #5: Steam Punk, Transformers, Roddenberry

 This is my favorite costume of the entire show. It is apparently in a style called "Steam Punk", a term I had never heard of until Comic-Con.

 Love the smile!

 This area is called the sail patio (I think?) and is where people could relax a little upstairs before heading over to the panels in the conference rooms.

 The statue at the entrance to the Art Show.

 This model was probably the best prepared at Comic-Con. As people prepared to take his photo, he would always ask "photo or video?" and base his actions on their response. He had a great spiel he used for video.

 What an adorable kid!!
 This is the Roddenberry booth. They have been involved in Sci-Fi since Star Trek.

 Sideshow had some very nice figurines. Unfortunately, the glass case reflections kept me from getting good photos of them. But the booth location was a landmark for us as it marked the spot where we could turn to catch the escalator upstairs.

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