Sunday, August 15, 2010

Comic-Con: Going Home

 And, after spending all day Thursday and Friday at Comic-Con, we were all spent by mid-afternoon on Saturday. We decided to call it a day and head home. So we stepped out into the bright sunshine (an unusual thing for us Geeks), passed the medieval warriors (guess we're not totally back to reality yet), and headed towards the Trolley station. That's my wife in the pink.
 As soon as the bus got out of the way....
 ...we could see beautiful San Diego. Man, we love living here. The Gaslamp District, the best place for dinner & nightclubbing in San Diego, is straight ahead with the brick building being the Hard Rock Hotel.
 Look at the mass of people! No, this is not typical for a Saturday afternoon in the Gaslamp, these people are ALL here for The Big Show.
 After standing on her feet for two and a half days, my beautiful wife is still smiling.
 As we waited for the all-clear so we could cross the trolley tracks, I spied this gem taped to a light post.
 And, as if just for me, there was a display for The Green Hornet right next to the Trolley Stop. I wonder how many photos that gangsta's butt is in now? lol
 San Diego's finest metro cops did a great job of keeping order.
 And....guess what language this trolley sign is in? Figured it out yet?
Well read this notice and you'll know.
 We were surprised to see Bob's Burgers stands by the trolley station, as we didn't know there were such a thing. Turns out there isn't. These are temporary burger joints put up just for The Big Show, to advertise a new TV Show coming next season called "Bob's Burgers", surprisingly.

 And who did we spy waiting for the trolley but Batman and Cat Woman. Yes, there they sat, all smiles and in chipper mood even though they had to be as worn out as we were. And the sun beating on those black outfits could not have been comfortable.
 But as soon as they saw me snap their photo, they jumped up and posed. I just love the people who go to Comic-Con. They are really something.
 One more smile... where is that trolley?

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