Sunday, June 27, 2010

Troy's Baptism: After the Ceremony

 After the ceremony, we all began filing out of the church. I took the opportunity to snap a few photos.
 Here is Troy in his full Baptism outfit. He almost looks like a 15th century Christian painting, you know one of those that had a name like "Madonna and child". Only nowadays, Madonna is up in Beverly Hills, not San Marcos.
 A poignant expression.
 A smile just for grandpa.

 And then we step outside and BAM! the sunlight hits his eyes. I know how you feel, little guy!

 But it's not long before the camera catches his curiousity and he starts to open his eyes wider.
 This photo really doesn't look like Troy. I'm not sure who did the switcheroo, but I'm pretty sure this is the baby from that 15th century painting.

What say we head on over to your Baptism celebration, eh Troy?

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