Saturday, January 23, 2010

Troy At Almost 3 Months: Pics & Video

We had Troy, Lucy and David over for dinner last Sunday and I had the opportunity to take a few photos of Troy...and some video! He is able to stay awake through his whole evening with us now.

He has quite a range of facial expressions, and is always fascinated with the camera when I bring it out. Here he is mezmerized by the black object (the camera) I have in front of my eye.

Though my male voice is nowhere near has pleasant to him as the soothing female voices of Lucy and my wife, I can almost coerce a smile out of him...

But just to my left was my wife, and with just a few sentences she was able to make Troy happy enough to smile. Just a little bit at first...

..........then a little more............come on Troy, you can do it!...............

...and finally a great big smile! My wife is on to her next challenge now, and that is getting him to do a full-on laugh next time we see him. I did some silly dances for him, but he's not quite sure whether I'm just weird or whether I'm playing with him. Once he figures out I'm playing, I think I may be able to extract a laugh.

Lucy has been going to the gym, and one evening David and Troy came with her. I wasn't there, but my wife was and she said Troy was absolutely fascinated by the machinery and the people working out. I can just image how exciting those new sights and sounds would be to a 3 month old...

All right, are we ready for the videos I promised? There they are, below. They are in chronological order, with each being a little better than the previous. They are all short so watch'em all, but if you only have time for one, watch the last one...


  1. what a sweet child! and so vocal! seeing this makes me long for the days when my grandchild was younger. i'm going to follow you to see more! tell me, what are you using for a videocamera here? it's very clear and defined!

  2. Hi Chris,


    I used a Canon S5 IS digital camera in video mode. Click on "cameras" under the Labels section to the right to see the camera.

    And if you think the YouTube video is clear, you'll love what comes off the camera directly...YouTube has made the video much more pixel-y that it really is.
