Tuesday, December 30, 2008


 If you can only see one city in Europe, please make it Paris! It is a fabulous city and well worth a place on anybody's calendar. And the number one thing to see in Paris is obviously the Louvre.

Click Here for an overview of the Louvre.
 Click Here for a tour of the Denon wing of the Louvre.
 Click Here for a tour of the Sully wing of the Louvre.
 Click Here for a tour of the Richelieu wing of the Louvre.
 Click Here for the Mesopotamia wing of the Louvre.
 Click Here to view the underground medieval portion of the Louvre. Yes sir, those are the original castle walls you're looking at!
 As far as we're concerned, second on your list of things to do while in Paris is actually outside of Paris: Versailles.

Click Here for an overview of Versailles.
 And you can't go to Versailles without touring the Chateau.

Click Here to tour the Chateau.
 But the best thing about Versailles is the garden.

Click Here for a tour of a small portion of the gardens.
 Click Here for a tour of the sub-estates such as Trianon.
 Back in Paris, the Pantheon is an oft-overlooked beauty.

Click Here for a tour of the Pantheon.
 Click Here for a tour of Notre Dame.
 A little known chapel that is well worth the time...

Click Here for a tour of Sainte-Chapelle.
 Everyone talks about the artist's colony...

Click Here for a tour of Montmartre.

 Click Here for a quick look at the Eiffel Tower.
 Click Here for a street map and a subway map of Paris.
 Click Here to look around the Paris neighborhood where we stayed (the 8th district).
 Click Here to see our room at the Hotel de Sers.
Click Here to read about the most questionable day of the whole vacation: the trip from Paris to Sorrento (via Naples).

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