Sunday, August 31, 2008

Milan: Public Transportation

 The best way to get around Milan is using public transportation. We were able to get around very easily without renting a car - something we can't say about the US except in New York City and San Francisco. Upon leaving our room our first day in Milan, we came across with perfectly quiet scene about a block from our hotel. There were virtually no people on this street. This is about a block from Duomo di Milano.
 Here is another surface train somewhere in the Duomo area.
 Across the street from Castello Sforzesco, we came across this guy.
 And at the same location later in the day, a real classic.
 But actually, we never rode the surface trains. We found we could get anywhere we wanted to go by using the subway system, and there was a station on the same block as our hotel - one of the reasons we chose that hotel.
But if all else fails, it is pretty easy to find a taxi. Milan's taxis are clean, new, and well-marked. It is also easy to identify those sanctioned by the Commune di Milano (what the city calls itself) but the markings on the doors.

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