Sunday, August 31, 2008

Milan: People of Comune di Milano

 With my new-found fondness of capturing people with my camera, here are a few Milanese that I found walking around the city.
 Look at this jovial fellow waiting for his turn to cross the street.
 A close-up reveals the white marks on the glasses to be tape.
 Wow, this dapper man is walking briskly...can I get the camera in position to catch him before he is out of site?

A woman walking along Corso Buenos Aires, in roughly the same area as the first photo of the three gentlemen in suits. I am pretty sure they are walking past a park that is behind the fence.
 A photo taken on the same block as our hotel - note the curved sidewalk.

 Closer to the fashion district.

 I can't actually tell if these are residents or tourists, I chose to call them residents but I could very well be wrong.
 If you're walking a dog that big, you're likely a resident.

 The tour bus happened by this packed restaurant and I snapped a photo. What a fun place! Let's analyze each sub-group to determine...resident or tourist?
 ... While I can't tell for sure, I'm voting for resident in this teen in pink.
 ... I can't figure out these two gentlemen at the front table. If you'll note in the previous photo, the box laying by the table is from a museum. Would residents be visiting a museum? Maybe. Would tourists wear a tie? Not as likely.
Also note that three, count'em three, women at different tables in this photo have pointed their finger at the sky. What's that about?
I love the two bottles of wine sitting by this table of ladies. A very good lunch indeed

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