Sunday, August 31, 2008

Milan: Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

 On the north edge of the Piazza del Duomo is the covered arcade called the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Construction began in 1865, and the mall was named after the first king of a united Italy.
 After we toured the Duomo, this is the second thing we did in Milan. Since they are only a few hundred feet apart, it is hard to do one without doing the other.
 Ready to go in, Sweetie? I take that smile as a yes!  Or a "let's get out of the sunlight..."
 The roof over the central section is the first thing we noticed upon entering. It would have been more dramatic, I'm sure, had the day not been overcast.
 Bringing the camera down a tad, we see the hallway that we had just walked down to enter.
 And bringing the camera down again, we see things at eye level.

I'm not sure what these women were talking about, but I'd love to know.
 And a few more random shots of the interior. We did eat lunch in this mall, down the other wing a little bit. It was a good meal, but uneventful.

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