Sunday, August 31, 2008

Milan: City Tour by Bus, part II

 Continuing with our Sightseeing Bus Tour, we came across the Porta Ticinese neoclassical city gate, by Luigi Cagnola.
 And yes, Virginia, they do have Mickey Dees in Milan too!
This is the Saint Eustorgio Basilica, which we will have to tour next time we visit Milan in 2010. It is unclear when it was built, but estimates range from 300 to 500 AD.

 This is the medieval Porta Ticinese gate along Corso di Porta Ticinese, rebuilt in 1865 by architect Camillo Boito in a gothic revival style.

Note what appears to be a gold statue in this park.

And back to Foro Buonaparte, close to where we started!

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