Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sorrento, Italy: The Bay of Naples

 One of the best aspects of a visit to Sorrento is the views afforded of Mount Vesuvius and the Bay of Naples. The blue in the bay is beautiful.
 To get to the bayfront from the town square, one must walk down this narrow street. The Foreigners Club is just above the wall on the right. Once we rounded the curve to the right at the far end of this street...
 This is what we saw. What a view!
 I'm not quite sure what all the people were doing milling about down there, but it must have something to do with the boats at the dock.
 Turning the camera a bit to the right, we can see the coastline. Our hotel, Hotel de la Ville, is on that closest bluff about two blocks in.
 Sorrento has provided a nice little harbor for the boats of residents.
 Another view to the right.
 Looking slightly downward, I thought this group of buildings was pretty interesting. Does it remind you of anything? It reminded me of the ruins at Herculaneum that we had just visited. The red tile roof, the dusty gray colors buildings, the tightly-packed placement. In some ways, not much has changed in 2,000 years. If electricity had not been discovered and automobiles had not been invented, I submit to you life would be almost identical.
 A beautiful little Alfa Romeo squirting up the hillside. Please Alfa, come back to the States.

And now, a shot of a few of the vessels crossing the Bay of Naples...

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