Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pompeii: Casa della Fontana Piccola

 Continuing down Via di Mercurio, we come to an interesting home at the corner of Vicolo di Mercurio, or number 18 on this map.
 The entry to Casa della Fontana Piccola, or House of the Small Fountain in English, is rather wide as can be seen in this photo.
 The roof has obviously been rebuilt and gives a good idea of how this home looked in Roman times.
 Looking across the center of the room we get our first peek at how the house earned its name...see the fountain in the next room?
 Peering into a side room, we see whites and golds.
 ...some of the rooms are roped off though there is plenty of opportunity to look around and photograph.
 Repair work is underway at the center of the room.
 Another wall with some artwork. Let's take a walk out to the fountain...
 It is a pretty popular exhibit and is quite spectacular to see. The gentleman and column in this photo help give things scale.
 Notice this design is very similar to the House of Neptune and Amphitrite that we visited in Herculaneum. Similar colors, design, and seashell border.

 A painting just to the left of the fountain.
...and back out onto Via di Mercurio...

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