Saturday, September 20, 2008

An Evening At the Hotel Del

My family recently spent an evening at the Hotel Del Coronado, having dinner and enjoying the coast. It is really the most beautiful location on the San Diego oceanfront in my opinion, with the Point Loma peninsula adding visual interest to the horizon in a most appealing way. I wanted us to be seated for dinner when the sun set, but miscalculated slightly and we ended up just arriving when that happened. But that actually worked out better as it allowed me to get some wonderful pictures at the edge of the beach, such as this one of Lucy and David (my daughter-in-law and son).
 As I'm sure you're well aware by now, my favorite photo subject is my wife, and this is a excellent example of why: she takes the most fantastic pictures. This is looking southwest from the beach in from of the Hotel Del.
 The reason we ventured over to Coronado was that my Dad and his girlfriend Patty were visiting. This was our first opportunity to meet her, so we wanted it to be an extra special evening. This photo is looking back at the Hotel Del from along the beach.
Also, we have added a new photogenic subject to our family - Lucy! Here is a good example of why I say that. This is looking due south from the same location.

Dinner at the Hotel Del is fairly expensive, but since it gave us the opportunity to take these photos, I look at it this way: To hire a photographer to shoot our pictures would have cost us the same amount of $$, so basically we spent the money on the photos and the dinner was free! What a deal. On top of that, since I took the pictures, I own the right to reproduce and copy them! (this is a sore spot that I have with professional photographers, in case you can't tell)

1 comment:

  1. Great photos of the family J.

    YOu have an attractive bunch there.

    I have driven by, on to the grounds, but have never stopped in there. Looks like a wonderful place to have dinner.

    I'm enjoying catching up on the blog.
