Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Family Affair

 Our son Ron and his girlfriend Rachel came down for the weekend and it gave us the opportunity to visit with both our sons and their significant others. We took them out to the Hotel Del Coronado for dinner which gave us the perfect photo op. Up first, the visitors: Rachel and Ron, two very fine people - something I'd say even without the family connection.
 Equally impressive are Lucy and David, as shown in this photo. Two sweeter, kinder people you'll never find. Anybody who thinks the world is going to south should meet these four fine twenty-somethings for a would be very evident that we will be eventually passing the torch to some very caring and capable people.
Ron and Rachel brought George Michael down. No not that George Michael, the chihuahua shown here is named George Michael. He's quite a cutie, is quiet as a mouse, and actually prances when he walks!

Quite the exquisite weekend, it was.


  1. Wow. Your boys looks great and all grown up.

    It's a good thing Henry wasn't around when the chihuahua was there- he probably would have taken it home with him.

  2. great to hear,...I feel the same about my children, J...

    I think we have some positive things to look forward too... They are all on board about caring for this ol' planet!!

    George Michael looks like my 26 yr.old sons chihuahua, Loki. and he is totally adorable too.

  3. Great photos of these gorgeous couples and wonderfully said about their caring attitudes.
