Saturday, January 26, 2008

Batten Down the Hatches

According to the weather report, we are due to have heavy rains and 25 to 35 MPH winds beginning tonight. This may not sound over the top to the rest of the world, but here in San Diego there usually is no weather to speak of - it is either sunny & warm, or warm & sunny.

We have had a good amount of rain this winter, but we have also had a few pretty decent wind storms which is highly unusual. If we hit 35 MPH tonight, we're likely to see quite a bit of damage since the area is not used to it.

On top of that, I stepped out on my front porch to get the newspaper on Thursday morning just in time to see the beautiful sight show in the photo to the right. I'm glad the camera was handy!


  1. Hey J, I follow this guy Kevin Martin, Ontario Weather Service...
    He is an incredibly accurate forecaster, more than national weather service. He has a detailed report at his site. thought i would give you the link, because with our weird Cali weather and fires, it is a good link to have. Here it is..

    p.s..thanks for you visit and comment...


  2. p.s..almost missed that beautiful


  3. Thanks for Kevin's site...I watched it this weekend.

    We ended up getting quite a bit of rain and some pretty strong winds at about 3 AM Sunday morning. Other than that, we just got the normal drizzle here and there.

  4. We got wind, rain, cold, and I'm geting real bored with it all, haha.

    The birds in my yard are not happy. They're all sitting their fluffed up and growling like bears.

    I finally was able to put some seed out this morning since there was a break in the rain and I don't think I've ever seen so many in my yard at one time.

    And I forgot my camera at my son's house last night, darn!

    oh the question you asked on the board, the car was moving and the window was up. I shot it through the window so it was a "lucky" worked.

    thanks for your visit and comments.

