Saturday, October 27, 2007

Why Am I Here?

No, I'm not talking about on this planet - I'm talking about on blogger.

As more of my friends have created blogs, I have really not had the inclination to do so. Blogs to me sometimes feel like the diaries that people used to keep in the 70s...except much more public! Nothing like posting your private thoughts for the world to see.

But I have come up with a couple of good reasons to start one.

First, I have a website where I post news and pictures of my family and events in our life. That website was meant to keep family & friends abreast of us down San Diego way. Unfortunately, history has shown I update it once maybe twice a year at most (it has been up and running since January 1997).

This blog is intended to be an easy way of getting information out quickly to those friends and family - the Witch Creek fire was the classic example of why this is needed and I think I will end up using it effectively in those types of situations.

The second reason this blog is here is that it dawned on me a few months ago that there may be friends from our past who stumble on our website but have NO WAY of contacting us! I intentionally do not put an email address on the website, since scraping tools come through and harvest them for spam purposes. I wanted to come up with another means by which we could be contacted should a long lost friend wish to do adding a blog and linking it to our website, it is simple for someone to post something to the blog to get the relationship started again.

So little Jimmy Crackleberry who used to share his Klondike bar with me in first grade, go ahead and post a comment here! (that person is fictional, btw)

Will I end up getting on a soapbox in this blog and shouting to the world *my* views on Global Warming, bad drivers, and why Britney should be flogged? I don't think so at this point, but you never know...

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