Saturday, December 28, 2024

Opus One


Bright and early one rainy fall morning, we decided to make our first visit to Opus One, a high end winery in Napa Valley.  That's not us with the umbrella, it just made for a very nice photo as they walked towards the winery.
Here is my wife hustling towards the entrance as the upper crust in the background get curbside dropoff.
Looking to the right we see the winery itself.  Built in the 1970s, they are planning a modernization starting with the landscaping as shown in this artist's rendering.
The clouds and mist added to the mystique in this photo of my wife.
Ready?  One last look before we turn around and head for the entrance.
There it is.  The main doors!
A photo of yours truly.
The view from the table where our tasting were waiting for us.
There were three tastings each.  My wife reviews the description of the vintages we would be sampling.  Note to buy any of of the bottles is $500 and up.  As I said, it is a high end winery.
They took us down to the barrel room for a look around.
Back outside the front doors after the tasting.
Our rental car this trip - a Challenger R/T.  I really loved it and didn't want to give it back!

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