Friday, April 12, 2024

Springtime in the Park


Ruby and I walk almost daily in this park.  It has become a ritual and when the time approaches each day, she comes and sets her chin on my lap - telling me it is time to go.
I've been letting her choose the path through the park recently and she really likes that.  She gets to explore things she's always wanted to explore.  One of the first thing was this platform that allows riders to mount horses.  I had never noticed it, but she had!
The hills are green this time of year.  They will be brown by June.
Ruby enjoying a romp in a field at the park.
She particularly enjoys this type of plant.
She'll stop and sniff every single bloom her nose can reach.
No, she isn't sniffing male dog pee - she doesn't do this with other plants or posts, etc.  Only this type of plant.

And each bloom must smell different for her to take the time to smell every single one.

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